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Writer's pictureRachana Praveen


Updated: Jan 28, 2021

CURD is obtained by coagulating milk in a sequential process called curdling. It can be a final dairy product or the first stage in cheesemaking. The coagulation can be caused by adding rennet or any edible acidic substance such as lemon juice or vinegar, and then allowing it to coagulate.

Most Indian households make fresh yogurt every day to include in their meal or to make lassi, kadhi etc. So it is one of the basic food consumed by most Indians.

The fermentation process takes place by adding bacteria to the milk. The unique nutritional value of curds is beneficial in various ways. Apart from enhancing the taste of various foods, curd also improves the digestion and provides strength to bones and teeth.

Regular consumption of curds also lowers the cholesterol levels and reduces high blood pressure. It increases the immunity of the body and also helps in improving the skin health, reduces dandruff and other benefits as well.

Apart from that, curd also helps to reduce the stress level, which makes it a natural remedy for hypertension and other related issues. Regular intake of the right quantity of curds helps in reducing weight and gain fitness. All these factors make curd a reliable food choice for people who desire healthy living style.

Curd or yogurt is formed by combining the right bacteria in milk. The bacteria thicken the milk and give it a different taste, which is sour. This process allows keeping the nutrients of the milk last longer. Curds are popularly used in preparing many dishes and direct consumption as well. People also use it for beauty treatments and other benefits too.

Nutritional Value of Curd

The nutritional value of curds is the prime reason for its popularity. 100 grams of curd contains:

  • About 98 calories

  • Around 3.4 grams of carbohydrate

  • Approximately 4.3 grams of fat

  • 11 grams of protein

  • 364 mg of sodium

  • 104 mg of potassium

  • Apart from that, curd also offers calcium, magnesium, Vitamin A, D, and B-12 as well.


  • Improves your digestive system with curd: People suffering from indigestion problem get immense benefit with regular consumption of curds. It has the ability to maintain a balance in the acid levels in the stomach. The ability of curds to manage the pH levels makes it a perfect remedy for indigestion. Adding curds to the diet helps in digesting other food effectively, which provides better nutrition to the whole body. Also, people suffering from dysentery get a relaxed stomach by eating little amount of curds.

  • Eating curd good for weight loss: People trying to reduce weight should include curd in the diet plan. With the immense amount of calcium availability, curds helps to fight obesity. Calcium restricts the creation of cortisol, which doesn’t lead the body towards weight increase. So, to fight cortisol, a person should regularly have a certain amount of curd. About 18 ounces is enough to provide the necessary amount of calcium in the body.

  • Curd improves bone strength: Curd is a great source of calcium and phosphorous. Both these elements strengthen the bones. Hence, curds are very reliable choice to fulfill the calcium requirement of the bones and teeth. Regular intake of curds allows the bones to get stronger, which protects from issues such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

  • Curd good for healthy heart: Curd helps in the preventing and reducing heart problems. Including curds daily in the diet helps in reducing the cholesterol level. It helps in functioning of a healthy heart. The lesser amount of cholesterol in the body helps in keeping arteries clean and allows smooth blood flow. Hence, the risks of heart-related diseases reduce to a great extent by consuming curd

  • Curd is good for immune system: There are various kinds of components that benefit the body. Curds are one of the best probiotic foods, which have live microorganisms, present in it, which is needed for the human body. The power and strength provided by curd to the metabolism results in enhanced immunity. This immunity allows the body to fight various microorganisms and stay healthy.

  • Makes skin healthy and shiny: Curds are popularly used for skin care. The minerals that it contains allow the skin to glow and gain nutrients to stay healthy. The components present in curds like vitamin E, zinc and others benefit the skin. Curd is used as the homemade skin care and cosmetic beauty care products as well. Applying curds to the face helps to make the skin smooth and improves glow, shine, and softness.

  • Curd for hair fall control: People having hair issues such as dry, dull hair, dandruff and other problems can use curd. The lactic acid present in curds provides nutrients and minerals to the scalp, which reduces dandruff. Curd also acts as conditioner for hair. A little amount of curd mixed with henna can provide effective results in terms of hair fall and thickness.

  • Curd helps in maintaining PH level: The ability of the curd to manage the pH level helps in vaginal health. The regular consumption of yogurt improves the vaginal health of women. However, quality of curd becomes the prime necessity for the effective results.

  • Curd offers milk nutrition for lactose intolerant people: Lactose intolerance restricts people from getting the benefits of milk.. However, curd becomes the right alternative for such people. It offers easy digestion of protein and other nutrients, which provides the same benefits as milk to people.

  • Control Anxiety, Stress and Improve Mental Health: According to research, curd offers relaxation and emotional balance to the brain. It reduces the stress level and helps to fight anxieties. All these effects make it a reliable remedy for brain health.

  • Curd stimulates appetite: The tangy taste of curds works as a stimulant for the taste buds. As a result, the appetite gets improved. This is the reason why curd is consumed as a drink by mixing sugar or salt in it.

  • Keeps infections away with curd: Various oral diseases are caused by bacteria. However, the good bacterium available in curd doesn’t allow other bacteria to accumulate and cause the infections.

Uses of curd:

Curd is a versatile item that is used for various purposes.

  • It is used as food for direct consumption and also included in various dishes. Different types of sweets are prepared by using curd. Along with that, curds are also used as refreshing drinks by adding sugar or salt and mixing it together.

  • The minerals available in curds make it perfect for beauty care. Curds is mixed with other ingredients to create homemade beauty care pastes. These pastes are applied to the skin or hair according to the purpose. Similarly, there are various other uses of curd that improve the health of body and mind.


When the milk is still hot, froth up the milk by pouring it to another bowl or pot. To and fro, a few times breaks down the cream and the milk froths up very well.

Add the culture or starter when the temperature of milk is slightly higher than warm but not hot. Stir well.

Then quickly pour to the bowl, cover and rest in a warm place. Towards the end of the process the milk should still be warm. To get this right, you will have to try a few times. But this method surely gives thick and more tasty homemade curd.

HOW TO MAKE CURD IN INDIVIDUAL BOWLS or MATKA The process is the same but to ensure the curd is set well, Add an extra quarter tsp of curd to every half cup milk. This method of setting curd in individual bowls or matka is preferred by many as scooping out little curd every time from a large bowl disturbs the entire bowl and leaving behind lot of whey. After refrigeration curd becomes slightly more thick.









Milk - 1 ltr (full fat milk)

Curd - 1 tsp (increase to 1 tbsp when making during winter)


  • Rinse a pot well. This reduces the chances of milk solids getting stuck to the bottom.

  • Pour milk and bring it to boil on a medium to low flame.

  • To get thick curd, once it comes to a boil simmer the milk for 15 mins on a very low flame.

  • Keep stirring in between else the milk will get burnt and smell bad.

  • Simmering step is to get a very thick curd. You can skip this if you are oK to have a moderately thick yogurt.

How to make curd or yogurt

  • Allow the milk to cool down.

  • If you are intending to use a curd culture that has come down to room temperature, then allow the boiled milk to come down to luke warm temp.

  • But if you are using the culture directly from the fridge, then the temperature of the milk must be mildly warmer than the luke warm.

  • Immerse your clean finger in the milk and check.

  • Add a tsp of curd to the warm milk and stir well. You will have to experiment with the amount of starter to use.

  • Cover & move the bowl to a warm place.

  • Allow it to set for 6 to 10 hrs depending on the climate.

  • When the curd is set, move it to refrigerator.


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TIP Always use full fat milk or whole milk only. As diluted milk or low fat milk will not set your dahi well and makes it watery with more whey.


  • using starters like greek yogurt or any sticky one will yield a sticky curd.

  • It depends on the milk too (depends on the feed of the cows), some milk yields a sticky curd. Especially the milk from the grass fed cows turn slimy. Just try with a different brand.


  • The kind of milk you are using – homogenized or non homogenized. Homogenized milk require more starter. As the milk is processed and the particles are broken down to minute in order to keep them apart which helps in increasing their shelf life. Dahi does not set well if you use less starter for homogenized milk.

  • On the other hand, non homogenized milk needs less starter as they tend to set well and faster. Adding more will make your curd sour. So adjust the amount of starter accordingly. (I have mentioned the quantity in the ingredient list).

  • The kind of starter you are using – gelatin or non gelatin. If your starter has gelatin in it, you have to use more starter. If the starter is a non-gelatin one, you can use lesser. (quantities mentioned in ingredients)

  • The Season – if you are making yogurt in winters, need to use more starter. Adjust the quantity as per the season.

Places where curd or dahi can set well at home during winters.

  • Place the bowl of milk in the casserole or a thermocol box.

  • Wrap a warm cloth or woolen scarf to the bowl and keep inside the shelf.

  • Can place inside a big rice storage container.

  • You can also place in oven with the light bulb on. If you have a oven with settings to make yogurt. Turn it on and place it until set.

how to make yogurt without a culture? There is a age old method of making curd without using curd followed by rural women in South India. These women used to make their own culture to use as a starter. I have tried making this to check if it really works and yes it does. Bring milk to a boil. Let the temperature come down to warm. Then add 8 to 10 stalks or stems of red chilies for every 1/2 to 3/4 cup of the warm milk. Set this aside in a warm place until set. How long? it certainly depends on the climate. It took 5 hours for me to set the curd. But this may not be good to use directly. I am not sure if it is healthy to eat. So I did make fresh yogurt using the one I made earlier as starter(curd with chili stalks). I added 1 tbsp of the above set dahi to one cup milk and set aside for 8 hours. Then I got thick curd.



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